Year 6 Spring Term 1


During literacy we will be exploring the world of Barrowquest and writing our very own adventure, quest story. Focus will continue to be on improving reading fluency and speed, so thank you for continuing to encourage your child to read at home and listening to them. In Maths, our focus will be decimals, percentages, and Algebra. Children will recognise the equivalence between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and apply this knowledge to problem solving. All children will be expected to now have a rapid recall of their times tables up to 12 x 12. In Science, we will be learning be studying Animals including humans, and learning about anatomy.


Our focus authors this term will be Michael Morpurgo and Rick Riordon; children will be encouraged to read books by these authors, and it would be useful if they were to use the library to borrow their books.


Outdoor P.E will be Hockey on a Tuesday. On a Wednesday, during indoor P.E all children will be practising their Dodgeball and Gymnastic skills.


Finally, attendance is even more crucial than normal, as we will be preparing the children to take their SATs. If you have any questions on how to support your child, please speak to their class teacher.



Year 6 Spring Term 2


During History, we will be learning about Ancient Greece and how this civilisation influences the world today. Focus will continue to be on improving reading fluency and speed, so thank you for continuing to encourage your child to read at home and listening to them. In Maths, our focus will be measure, volume, perimeter, and ratio. Children will develop their fluency in these areas and use this in their problem solving. All children will be expected to now have a rapid recall of their times tables up to 12 x 12. In Science, we will be learning about electricity.


Our focus authors this term will be Michael Morpurgo and Rick Riordon; children will be encouraged to read books by these authors, and it would be useful if they were to use the library to borrow their books.


Outdoor P.E will be Hockey on a Tuesday. On a Wednesday, during indoor P.E all children will be practising their Dodgeball and Gymnastic skills.


Finally, attendance is even more crucial than normal, as we will be preparing the children to take their SATs. If you have any questions on how to support your child, please speak to their class teacher.