1st Half Spring Term


In Literacy this half term, we will be looking at the book Billy the Kid by the author Michael Morpurgo. We will be developing our understanding of writing for different audiences and purpose, with a particular emphasis put on diary entries and letters.

In Mathematics, we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of fractions and begin to look at formal methods for long multiplication and division.

During Science, we will study the different types of force that affect us in our everyday lives and carrying out investigations linked to this.

In PE this half term, we will be developing the children’s skills in Cricket and Dance. During our DT lessons, we will be investigating and designing controllable vehicles, which we will later make, and race on our visit to Enginuity.



2nd Half Spring Term


This half term, we will be carrying out a History and Geography study into Ancient Civilizations with a particular focus on the Egyptians. We will be using a range of resources to find out about who they were, what they did and the impact they have had on life today.

In Mathematics, we will be continuing our work on fractions and begin to investigate who they relate to decimals and percentages.

Our Science topic will be All Living Things. We will look at the life cycles of plants, insects and animals and how they reproduce.

In PE this half term, we will be developing the children’s skills in Hockey and Orienteering. During our Art lessons, we will be designing and making Canopic jars, which we will have studied during our work on Egyptians, using a range of materials.