William Reynolds - Important Dates


On which days do children need their PE Kits?


Base: 1 and 2


Wednesday: In Reception on a Wednesday it is our Physical Activity day.

In the hall there will be a variety of activities for the children to participate in. (Indoors)

To ensure that children always have their P.E kit we suggest that children bring their P.E kit in on a Monday and take it home on Friday for washing.

Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Written or verbal explanation from you should be given to the class teacher, prior to the PE session, if your child is not participating.

It is also important to note that no jewellery is permitted during physical education sessions. Our advice is that children do not wear any jewellery on their P.E. days. Please write to Miss Taylor should your child have recently had their ears pierced, and a date will be arranged by which time they should be able to remove them.



On which days do children need their Forest School Kits?


Base: 1 and 2


In Reception Forest School will be on a Wednesday. Please can you send your child to school in warm clothes as they will be outside all morning. Also, can you please send in wellingtons, waterproofs and hats and scarves as we will go out whatever the weather. A list of dates when your child’s base is participating in Forest School is listed in their homework books.




Every Monday, Home School Diaries will be sent home with the tasks that your child is expected to complete. Home School Diaries will be collected in on Friday for homework to be checked. Children are expected to bring their home school diaries into school everyday so that reading can be logged. Don’t forget to sign your child’s reading record page at the back of the book to show that they have read at home!