Year 6 Autumn Term 1
During this half term, we will be focusing on the use of adventurous vocabulary through our narrative writing and poetry. In Mathematics, our focus will be to understand number and place value in order to improve arithmetic skills. Furthermore, we will be focusing on rapid recall of times tables to 12 x 12. Science will be a study of Animals Including Humans, and how the systems in the body function.
Our focus author this term will be Tracey Corderoy - children will be encouraged to read books by this author, and it would be useful if they were to use the library to borrow their books.
Outdoor P.E will be Netball/Basketball on Wednesdays. During indoor P.E all children will be undertaking swimming lessons on Fridays.
Year 6 Autumn Term 2
During this half term, we will be learning about Evolution and Inheritance including the ideas of Charles Darwin. In Maths, our focus will be Fractions, understanding and applying them to problem solving. All children will be expected to now have a rapid recall of their times tables up to 12 x 12. In Science we will study Animals including Humans. Towards Christmas in Design Technology we will use textiles and sewing skills to create our very own Christmas Stockings.
Our focus author Berlie Doherty; children will be encouraged to read books by this author, and it would be useful if they were to use the library to borrow their books.
Outdoor P.E will be Netball/Basketball on Wednesday. During indoor P.E all children will be undertaking swimming lessons on Fridays.