1st Half Autumn Term


During this half term, our theme will be ‘Where we live’. As part of our geography lessons, we will be locating where we live on an aerial photograph and recognising features within a local area. We will also follow simple routes around the school grounds. Our mathematics lessons will be focussed on exploring the numbers to ten. We will be learning how to represent these numbers in different ways using a range of mathematical equipment. We will also be learning how to add and subtract numbers to ten and learning how to record mathematical statements to match these calculations. During our art lessons, we will be learning how to paint. We will find out about the famous artist Claude Monet and look at some of the landscapes that he painted. Our science lessons will be all about materials. We will be finding out about the different types of materials in our environment and learning how to sort them according to their different properties. PE Lessons this half term, will be focussing on infant agility and body management. We will be looking at how we can control our bodies to perform simple skills like balancing and jumping effectively.




2nd Half Autumn Term


During this half term, our theme will be ‘Terrific Toys. As part of our history lessons, we will be learning to understand changes over time by looking at toys both past and present. We will also take part in a Victorian toy workshop at Weston Park. Our mathematics lessons will continue to focus on exploring the numbers to ten. We will be learning how to add and subtract numbers to ten and learning how to record mathematical statements to match these calculations. We will also be learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. During our design technology lessons, we will be learning about structures. We will continue with out theme of toys by designing and making our own playground models. Our science lessons will continue to focus on materials. We will be investigating the different properties of materials by carrying out our own practical investigations. PE Lessons this half term, will be focussing on dance. We will be looking at how we can control our bodies to perform simple dance sequences using some music for the Toy Story movie.