Learning Mentors


Mrs Bailey and Mrs Groucott work closely with teaching staff, families’ and partnership agencies to raise aspiration’s, achievements and self-esteem.

If you wish to have a chat with  Mrs Bailey, Miss Dawkins or Mrs Groucott to discuss any issues please contact the school office on 01952 388280 .(Between the hours of 8.40 am and 3.30 pm).

They can help and support your child and family to work through  difficult times and situations that become a barrier to their  learning. We help and support families through leading Early Help Assessments and meetings. 

Children throughout their lives in school may experience a range of barriers to learning. Our Mentors are highly skilled staff, who possess a variety of skill’s and attributes that help children through difficult and challenging times in school or at home.They help remove the barriers that prevent children from learning including addressing social, emotional or behavioural difficulties.

Barriers to Learning may include:

  • Inappropriate behaviour
  • Poor attendance
  • Low self-esteem
  • Transition issues
  • Parental engagement

Some of the skills needed…

  • Good listener
  • Good observer
  • Positive role model
  • Approachable, patient and reliable
  • Non-judgmental
  • Work effectively with staff, families and outside agencies
  • Monitor and review pupils needs

Information shared with either of the Learning Mentors is confidential.

The following statement was taken from William Reynolds Primary and Nursery School Safeguarding  Policy (reviewed Nov 2015 , page 9).

“All those in the school community, including supply teachers, visiting professionals working with students in the school (e.g. counsellor), those who support sex education (e.g. school nurse) and those supporting school visits, are informed of the name of the DSL’s and the school procedures for protecting children, for example, how to report their concerns, suspicions and how to receive, record and report disclosures:

  • during their first induction to the school
  • through a copy of this policy
  • through the staff handbook
  • through induction/supply teachers’ booklet

All staff are required to be alert to signs of abuse.  They should report any concerns or suspicions if not immediately, as soon as possible, that day to the DSL(Designated Safeguarding Lead). If in doubt they should talk with the DSL, delay is unacceptable.”

In our school the Designated Safeguarding Leads are Jasmin Taylor (Head Teacher), Joanne Shephard ( Deputy Head) Ruth Angeloff (Assistant Headteacher), Emma Shankland (SENDCO), Wendy Bowen (Teacher), Debra Groucott (Learning Mentor) & Lauren Dawkins (Wrap Around Care Manager).

In the event that a member of staff suspects or receives allegations that a child is the subject of abuse, a report should immediately be made in strict confidence to our  designated Safeguarding Leads, who will take the appropriate action.